I sense the world from my guts, and by that…
I mean I sense the world from the roots of my ancient ancestry.
From the depths of surviving and thriving on this wild earth long ago.
I feel nature seeping into my soul.
Trees comfort me,
Flowers excite me with their burst of beauty, scent, and the longing to make seeds for new generations.
I learn to entice the bees to whisper their secrets.
I don’t know how to exist any other way, but to tune into soil,
Dance in wind and warm rain,
Smell wet rocks and composting forest floors.
It’s what fills me up.
I collect rocks, and when they’re too big to take with me, i sit with them.
Big boulders have much to say.
Acorns, moss and pine cones also keep me company.
I listen closely for the cool, quiet drip of a grotto, formed from damp seeping soil, tree roots, and rock.
It is cool and safe here with the fairies and mushrooms.
Does the earth call you?
Do you feel that longing?
If not, sink deep into your bones and guts to find it,
Might just save your life!
—Angie Nabrotzky