The best type of friendship,
is when you can tell each other anything in confidence.
There's no worry it will ever be used against you.
A sacred trust.
Even if you're fighting.
An intimacy that transcends any sexual relationship.
The love given to friends,
will never come back empty or without unexpected reward.
When you love someone, promises are never broken.
Sentences are finished for you by the other.
Light is shown upon the other, not shade.
They are a second self, sometimes you know them,
and watch out for them more than you do yourself.
They will see your triumphs and celebrate with you.
On the lowest day, or angriest moment, they call you first,
crying or ranting with them is what comes naturally.
If afraid of letting someone down,
a friend would never do so.
Friends outlast lovers,
for we're truly ourselves with friends....
no allowances, or concessions have been made or given.
We tend to hide more with prospective mates, not so for friends.
It's all the raw gristle for friends, and its best this way.
(Poem #2 in the Forms of Love series)
"The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return".
Nature Boy song by Nat "King" Cole