I know myself intimately.
I've spent my lifetime
inside the innermost regions of
my soul
my emotions.
I've asked myself all the questions that matter.
I know my body's rhythms.
when I tell you something about myself
my feelings
my dreams
my beliefs
my decisions
They are my truth.
They are who I am.
Don't belittle me, or patronize me.
Nor, should you insert your own experiences
wisdom, and wishes onto me.
You can keep your opinions to yourself.
Each action has had eons of my thoughts behind it.
I'm boldly independent.
I like to make my own way.
I will learn my lessons for this lifetime.
When I've decided to go against my gut, it never turns out right.
But, that's my path.
I will finish out my current story.
The rest of my life will be on
my own terms
my gut feeling
my soul's yearning
my wise decisions
my intuition.
Accommodation doesn't fit me,
doesn't serve me,
nor serve the greatest good.
I am selfish in my search to
transcend this existence,
while concurrently wringing out all I can from this life.
So be it!