Excuse me, but I am feeling angry.
Nobody cares about anyone past the surface.
Most just listen to be polite.
Depth is too messy and uncomfortable,
too personal, real, and meaningful.
You have to pay professionals for that shit.
Stupid, stupid me wants to help all my loves.
When I need support, very few are able to muster any strength to be there for me.
Not the way that I would be there for them.
How sad that this is the state of our world.
Everyone is suffering, and pulling into themselves.
Exhausted at the enormity of the pain.
Helping other people brings so much satisfaction....
but that's been forgotten.
Ya, ya, there are a select few who give a flying crap.
My love was thrown in my face so many times.
I refuse to turn into a selfish ass,
a scared bystander,
an uncaring jerk.
We are born alone, and we die alone.
I'll be at your funeral, even if you don't want me there.
The ones who get it won't run when you hit the black. Yes, they are few, but they are your clan.