I have betrayed myself.
I betrayed the young woman who knew
she wanted to be alone in her strength,
her only companion, a dog.
The artist, the writer, the world changer.
That sassy, confident 20 year old's
clairvoyance was smudged by many things.
Compromise, doubt, naysayers, lack of funds.
Be careful who you listen to when you are vulnerable and young.
Question the place the speaker's opinions come from.
Are their words born from being jaded, angry, betrayed, jealous?
Are they a parent's words who want to live through you, or keep you safe?
I have regained some of that vigor again at 49.
A rebirth of my power, confidence, and dreams again.
My mistakes were learned from, knowledge gained, attitude refined.
Listen to your GUT, always!!
Back it up with facts, research, make a plan, make a plan B,
but do what makes your heart sparkle.
It's worth it! It's worth everything!
I do wonder where I would be today, if I had always followed
my guts.