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Notebook and Pen

Deep Woods Read

Poetry and Reflection

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. Deep Woods Read serves as a vessel to share my passions, and make you feel and think deeply. Read what inspires me in this beautiful world. Sit in nature, and read on.

Home: Welcome


There’s SO much inside of me. Listen with your ears, your heart, your soul. I love hard and forever. I will be an eternal confidant. My...


Just so you know, I can handle the truth. In fact, I’d much rather have the truth, than be lied to. I’m confident and strong, so what you...

Realizing Why!

Peeling this onion of revelation. Layer by layer. Crying all the way.

Dark Chasms and Light

Despair is pitch black. Claustrophobic. A strait jacket. Sometimes I rest in my despair, I get to know its grip, experience its secrets....


Falling apart comes quickly sometimes. I can’t keep up with the crazy spiraling of emotion. Madness spirals down to the core of the...

Hope and Perseverance

Do you ever have those moments when you feel utterly alone, even when people are around? Just a feeling that all your surroundings are...


Hungry sparrows swirl to the ground like brown leaves stealing the hen’s grain.


You know when the power goes out, and blackness seems to stick to your face, the air seems thick? She was feeling the walls closing in on...

Graveyard Tree

She came to it as the moon waxed She dreamt of it when it waned She asked it for dark secrets on the dark terrain. Resembling a shadow...

Who are you, really?

I have betrayed myself. I betrayed the young woman who knew she wanted to be alone in her strength, her only companion, a dog. The...

August 20, 2007

I caught myself during a passing storm, I held tight, though the ropes were wet and rough. I dried myself in the spring breeze, the sun...

Short Ones

1) The control you wield compresses me like oiled sardines. You cannot crush my spirit. 2) You've been playing with my heart so long,...


In the quietude of after-school hours, I visited alone. The courtyard was a place where stories were born, and memories were made. Kids I...


Nature sways with wind bowing down grass branches bend storm front approaches

Sept. 3, 2020

The scorching fire of lust for sex was so intense, I thought everyone could see steam rising from my very skin- Even in the intense heat...


I often think about tactile pleasures. I look at the trees lining the mountainsides, and imagine how they’d feel if I were a giant,...

Before it's too late

The older I get, the harder it is to be alive, when all my friends and family are dying. I want to stay for all the ones who are left, I...


I love the intensity of looking into someone’s eyes. I always knew that a great amount of trust and intimacy comes from gazing into them....


Even though a dog’s love is unconditional, their trust in me is the greatest gift.


My confidence does not depend on your opinion of me. I've known exactly who I am since I was born. I know what is right and wrong, and...

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Angie Nabrotzky

Salt Lake City, UT, USA

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